Easily Create Prototype File

 makeproto infile outfile

 Collects lines beginning with the word Prototype from all your source
 files into a single header file.  Each source module in a project
 normally includes a common header file, DEFS.H, which contains items
 common to the project.  The idea is to add the following to your
 DEFS.H file:

 #define Prototype extern
 #define Local static /* or as nothing at all */
 #include "protos.h"   /* prototype file generated by MAKEPROTO

 Each source would contain prototypes that look like this (shown with
 example declarations):

 Prototype int FuGlob;
 Prototype void FuBar(int);
 Prototype struct MyFu *FuBar2(short);

 int FuGlob; /* etc... */

 void FuBar(int x) {

 You then create a PROTOS.H file by running MAKEPROTO on all source
 files.  Among the tricks that are possible is the use of structure
 tags instead of typedefs in the prototypes themselves, allowing the
 prototype file to be #include'd during the normal course of
 compilation without necessarily requiring precursor includes to
 guarantee the validity of the types you use.  Since a declaration
 containing a pointer to an undefined structure is valid as long as
 you do not try to access specific elements in the structure, this
 allows you to bring in prototypes for all functions in your entire
 project whether you use them in any specific source module or not.

 MAKEPROTO has one additional feature which makes its usage all the
 more efficient... if the specified output file already exists
 MAKEPROTO will compare its output with the existing file and not
 modify the date stamp of the file unless the output diffs.  This is
 especially useful when you use precompiled includes where you might
 want to include a dependency to force the precompiled include to be
 recomputed if any header file OR the prototype file changes.  Without
 this feature you would have to force the precompiled include to be
 recomputed every time you modify a source file because you would not
 be able to determine whether that modification resulted in a change
 in the prototype file PROTOS.H or not.